Almond & Cauliflower Rice Salad

Almond & Cauliflower Rice Salad

Health and taste together, this is what the recipe of Almond and Cauliflower Rice Salad boasts about. The recipe is nutritious, wholesome as well as flavorful. The recipe can be curated with ease in less than 30 mins and has a distinct appeal to it. Packed with the benefits of almonds and cauliflower rice, this salad can easily be added to your daily diet. The ingredients going in the salad are the ones which are available in every household, making the dish all time approachable.

Step 1 Roast the almonds

Roast the almonds with skin in preheated oven at 180 degrees celsius for 4 minutes and cut into slivers, once they are cooled.

Step 2 Saute ginger and green chillies

In a pan, heat olive oil and crackle cumin seed, add chopped ginger, and chopped green chilli and saute for 10-15 seconds

Step 3 Cook cauliflower in the pan

Stir-in pulsed cauliflower and cook for a minute or till tender.

Step 4 Add lemon juice and coriander in the cooked cauliflower

Take off the pan from flame and finish up with lemon juice, freshly chopped coriander and adjust the seasoning with salt and pepper.

Step 5 Add roasted almonds and enjoy

Add roasted slivered almonds to it and enjoy the fluffy textured pulao.